Soundforms San Diego
Soundforms San Diego
The creation of conductor Mark Stephenson. ES Global, Flanagan Lawrence and ARUP Acoustics, Soundforms brings the acoustics of the concert hall to the outdoor stage, and live orchestral music to a whole new audience. Its key innovation is an acoustically engineered shell whose modular construction can be customised for any venue. For audiences and artists used to temporary tents and other makeshift structures, the sound quality is a revelation.

- Project Title: Soundforms San Diego
- Client: San Diego Symphony Orchestra
- Designers: Flanagan Lawrence
- Engineers: Expedition
Location: San Diego, USA

For the San Diego Symphony Orchestra, for example, we worked with local architects to create a permanent stage and Soundforms shell that could replace the temporary venue erected every year for its Bayside Summer Nights concert series. The Rady Shell, as it is called, delivers impeccable sound from state-of-the-art technology and creates a brand-new landmark in Jacobs Park.